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VyatSU discussed security, threats and challenges for society

  • 3 June 2021, 10:47
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1576

The university hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ensuring the stability and security of socio - economic systems: overcoming the threats of the crisis space" within the framework of the Year of Science and Technology

The conference was attended by about 100 scientists from Russia and foreign countries, who study the problems of security and sustainable development of socio-economic systems.

The guests of the conference presented their reports at the plenary session, which aroused great interest among the participants, including:

    Marian Turek, prof., Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku, Polska, WSB University, (Gdańsk, Poland) "The role of financial instruments in solving the global climate crisis";

    Sinyavsky Nikolay Grigorievich, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economic Security and Risk Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Financial University (Moscow): "Network models of risk management of digitalization of the forestry complex";

    Bezdenezhnykh Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economic Security and Risk Management: "Problems of regulation of information content issues in the analysis of risks in order to ensure the economic security of organizations";

    Penikas Genrikh Iozovich, Ph.D., Project Manager, Research and Forecasting Department, Bank of Russia, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Economics, Higher School of Economics (Moscow),

    Daria Savenko, researcher at MIEM HSE: "How different are Russian banks in assessing risks when issuing loans to the population?" other.

Within the framework of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of materials through the publishing house SciTePress Digital Library (Science and Technology Publications, Lda), Portugal, with the subsequent direction of the collection for indexing into the international scientometric citation base Web of Science, as well as publication of publications in the issue of the journal "Economics and Management : problems, solutions "(VAK, RSCI).

All participants, including foreign guests, noted the high level of the conference and the results of the author's research presented within its framework.

  -  Research and international conferences in the aspect of security and sustainable development of ecosystems, as well as a related format when using online technologies, will certainly become a tradition, create a solid foundation for the development of the leading scientific school of Russia in the field of economic security and intensify research activities at our university, - noted, when summing up the results of the conference, the head of the Department of Finance and Economic Security VyatSU, Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena Karanina.

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