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VyatSU entered Interfax'stop 100 "National University Ranking"

  • 9 July 2021, 12:32
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1609

On July 8, Interfax presented the XII annual "National University Ranking" in 2021, in which Vyatka State University took 66-67 position among Russian universities

The rating is compiled taking into account 6 parameters of universities:

   - educational activities,
   - research activities,
   - social environment,
   - international and interregional cooperation,
   - brand,
   - innovation and technological entrepreneurship.

VyatSU took 39th place among Russian universities in "Educational Activity". On the neighboring lines are such universities as the Novosibirsk State Technical University, the Nizhny Novgorod National Research University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, the Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University, the National Research Technological University "MISiS".

A high external expert assessment of the activities of Vyatka State University reflects and confirms the quality of training future specialists.

VyatSU entered the top 100 in terms of "Research activities", having improved its position by 28 points. The rating in this parameter was compiled taking into account several indicators, among which - scientific productivity and citation of articles by the authors of the university according to national and international scientometrics. This result is due to the implementation of a set of measures to increase the publication activity of the university staff. First of all, these are stimulating mechanisms within the framework of an effective contract, new partnerships, projects implemented both in the Kirov region and beyond, the development of their own journals, the work of the Publication Activity Center.

Vyatka State University has also improved its position in terms of "Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship", being located next to such universities as the Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D. I. Mendeleev and the Don State Technical University. The change in the position of VyatSU in this parameter by 12 points is a reflection of the competitiveness of the university, which has grown due to the processes of complex digitalization within the university, "building up" the competencies of university employees related to innovative technologies.

Note that Vyatka State University ranks 12th among the universities of the Volga Federal District and is the leader among the universities of the Kirov region.

This result indicates the ability of the university to adequately respond to the challenges of the time, along with the solution of strategic tasks. At the same time, recognizing the importance of high positions in the ratings, VyatSU builds its work, first of all, not for their sake, but in order to improve the quality of training of future specialists in the region.

We emphasize that over the past five years, VyatSU has strengthened its positions in the educational space of the country and plans a large and interesting work to further improve its activities, digital transformation. At the same time, any graduate of a school or technical school can become a part of the team for the change and development of the university, region, country, world and oneself by entering VyatSU.

Within the framework of the project "National Ranking of Universities", the activities of 341 universities in Russia were assessed. The ranking includes the strongest universities in the country: 29 national research universities, 10 federal, 54 universities that participated in Project 5-100 and pivotal ones. In addition, the activities of 11 non-state universities were assessed.

National University Rankings >>

