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VyatSU helds All-Russian Conference “Fundamental Glycobiology”

  • 16 October 2018, 09:34
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3119

The most famous Russian and foreign glycobiologists from France, Belarus, and Kazakhstan participated there.
On September 23-28 Vyaka State University was a venue for a significant scientific event - the IV All-Russian Conference with international participation “Fundamental Glycobiology”. It gathered about a hundred scientists from different regions of the country, as well as France, Belarus, Kazakhstan.

VyatSU Engineerium was the venue for the conference. Plenary sessions and sections on topical issues of glycobiology were carried out there for four days. Both well-known scientists and young researchers were among the speakers.
VyatSU Center for Excellence “Pharmaceutical Biotechnology” shared its developments: professor Andrei Byvalov Doctor of Medical Science, Ilya Konyshev Candidate of Biological Sciences delivered reports. Young scientists Lyubov Dudina, Vladislav Belozerov, Elena Gordina, Marina Volkova, Zukhra Khasanshina shared the results of research activities - their reports were presented at the school-conference of young scientists "Chemistry and Biochemistry of Carbohydrates."
In addition, the conference was attended by students of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology, who became guests of public lectures in glycobiology. The forum discussion “Glycopharma: Challenges and Perspectives” became a significant event of the conference.

The rich program of the conference was continued at Nanolek LLC, the largest biopharmaceutical enterprises in the region. During this excursion to the production site VyatSU role in personnel training for the region's biopharmaceutical cluster was emphasized.