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VyatSU invites you to a webinar about the organization of inclusive higher education

  • 21 October 2021, 12:23
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1915

We are inviting participating, in the inclusive education of students with disabilities, leaders of structural subdivisions, faculty and teaching support staff of partner universities of the resource educational and methodological center for the training of disabled people and persons with disabilities (RMC) VyatSU

The webinar will take place on October 28th, 2021 at 12.30 Moscow time.

During the webinar, the participants will provide information on current trends in the inclusive environment of universities, which are necessary for effective work towards the availability and quality of higher education.

The webinar will address the following issues:

    -Career guidance and career planning for persons with disabilities.
    -Selected data on the implementation of digital services in inclusive higher education.
    -Selected data of employers' satisfaction with the quality of education at work of people with disabilities.

To participate in the webinar, you must register on the inclusiveeducation.rf portal.

Contact Information:
Sheshukova Natalya Nikolaevna, Head of Consulting Department, RUMC VyatSU,

Consult by e-mail

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