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VyatSU law students’ success at the International Scientific and Practical Conference

  • 25 April 2019, 09:40
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3133

April 19-20. The International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Undergraduates and Postgraduates "Legal Science and Law Enforcement: Young Scientists’ View" was held at Saratov State Law Academy

Students of Vyatka State University took part in different workshops.

In the workshop "Corporate Law" the 4th year student Kamila Minnullina received a diploma for the 3rd place competing with postgraduates and undergraduates of such universities as MGIMO, Moscow State Law Academy, and Moscow State University. Kamila answered all the questions of the commission and proposed some new wordings for articles of the current legislation.

Inna Startseva also received a diploma for the 3rd place in the workshop "Actual problems of the law of obligations".

Our congratulations to the girls!

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