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VyatSU mathematicians became participants in a prestigious international scientific event

  • 22 July 2021, 19:25
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1547

 Professor Evgeny Vechtomov acted as an expert, Associate Professor Vera Varankina presented a report in English to the professional community. In addition, they prepared a scientific article for the collection of seminar materials

The 11th seminar on geometry and topology is being held in the Islamic Republic of Iran from 20 to 22 July. Scientists from Vyatka State University took part in this significant international event: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Evgeny Vechtomov and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Vera Varankina.

Head of the department of Fundamental Mathematics of VyatSU, E.M. Vechtomov, as one of the world's leading specialists in functional algebra, was invited by his Iranian colleagues as a member of the scientific committee of the seminar. Acting as an expert, Evgeny Mikhailovich reviewed 5 articles in English language that were submitted to the organizing committee for consideration.

In preparation for the event, E.M. Vechtomov and V.I. Varankina conducted a number of new studies, the results of which were reflected in a scientific article for publication in the materials of the seminar.

For an online presentation with the report "Absolute determinability of topological spaces by semirings of continuous relations on them", a detailed presentation was prepared. After a few words of welcome in English, E.M. Vechtomov gave the floor to Vera Ivanovna, who spoke for 40 minutes.

The participants of the seminar thanked their colleagues from VyatSU for the high quality of the presentation and the results presented.

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