Online newspaper

VyatSU once again became a member and organizer of the Open Regional Championship "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia)

  • 14 February 2022, 16:24
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1350

Competitions will be held from 14 to 18 February at the venues of 14 educational organizations, including on the basis of College of Vyatka State University

In 2022, the College initiated and the organizer of the Competition for the competence of FutureSkills "Development of Mobile Applications", which will be held for the first time. The first competitive day is February 15. 5 participants will meet at the site.

Competence task "Mobile Application Development" includes design, development and testing of a mobile application that combines such mandatory qualities as trouble free operation on the Google Android mobile operating platform, a convenient user interface, multifunctionality, ease of use when working with screens of different sizes of various Devices: Smartphones, Tablets, Smart Watches.

VyatSU's colledge students in this championship will compete for 3 competencies: "Engineering design CAD", "Development of mobile applications", "Physical culture, sports and fitness".

In addition, within the framework of the business program of the championship on February 15 at 17.30 in the online format for future college applicants, an open door will be held on the most demanded IT specialty "Information Systems and Programming" (link to the broadcast = jomhdnuem44)

Also from February 14 to February 17 will be held online - Quiz "Information Security" for schoolchildren of 9-11 grades and students of 1-4 years of college and technical school students (join the official group of College Vyatgu Https://

And on February 16, a meeting with representatives of the IT company "Architecture android applications" will be organized for students and teachers of IT directions on the basis of college.

Join now! We wish Vyatu good luck and victory in the upcoming competitions!

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