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VyatSU playing together with NANOLEK and Svojkirovsky.rf

  • 15 April 2019, 09:02
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3061
The first qualifying round of the intellectual game NANOLOCK was held at VyatSU Enginerium

We used to talk about the cooperation of Vyatka State University with a large company NANOLEK as about joint activities of VyatSU Institute of Biology and Biotechnology and one of the leaders of Russian biopharmaceutics. And now these two long-standing business partners decided ... to play together!

On April 9, the first qualifying round of the NANOLOCK intellectual game took place at  VyatSU Enginerium. The event was organized by VyatSU, biopharmaceutical company NANOLEK and Svoikyrovsky.rf.

12 teams of VyatSU students participated in the game. Judging by the teams’ names - “Free-thinking meerkats”, “The second dream of a banana”, “Masons” - the guys demonstrated all their imagination and creativity. All teams were formed on a voluntary basis and often consisted from students from different institutes and faculties. For example, the team "Cards, money, two chemists" united representatives of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology and the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering. Not a single chemist in the team was noticed: apparently, the name was the fruit of an unconscious collective fantasy, inspired by the cult film of Guy Ritchie.

The game included seven rounds; six questions in each - devoted to sport, medicine, animation, traditions, advertising, national signs, funny facts and curious things. Not exactly knowledge was tested, but mostly acumen and attentiveness. Every participant was grasped with excitement, the will to win was great for everyone! Several times, the guys were asked to risk their “capital” (points scored). Someone was careful, and someone put all accumulated points on the line. Such a strategy was not always successful, but a sense of humor invariably helped the guys to cope with their failures!

According to the results of the first qualifying game, the 3rd place was won by the teams “Team”, “The second dream of a banana”, “Cards, money, two chemists”, who scored the same number of points. The second place was shared by "Artists" and "Masons". The winner of the game was “getTo()”, which included students from the Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems and the Polytechnic Institute, headed by captain Konstantin Demshin, a student at the Faculty of technology, engineering and design. The team was awarded a valuable prize – Drouz’s wooden cup!

On April 16 the next qualifying game of NANOLOCK will take place there again.

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In a week the final will take place. As the organizers announced, each member of the winning team of the final game will receive a Huawei tablet - not wooden, but a real one! So there is definitely something to fight for!

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