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VyatSU polymers team expands international cooperation

  • 10 September 2021, 09:14
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1555

In the course of working on a new educational program for a large customer, they visited Istanbul Technical University

It became known that right now, at the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology, VyatSU is carrying out development of a new educational program "Production of fluoropolymer products of the new generation" in the interests of the Galopolymer company with the support of the Fund of Infrastructural Educational Programs of the Rosnano Group.

    The development of the educational program without attracting a substantive part of new knowledge and trends is impossible. That is why the most important tasks for us are both familiarity with new directions and interaction with leading scientists in this area -

Commented Denis Kozulin, executive director of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology.

Developers of a new program for one of the largest players of the Russian market of fluoropolymer products met at the Istanbul University of Technical University to Professor Mitina Akaru. Cooperation with the scientis who is among those in the lead in in this area, started almsot two years ago, when the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Fluoropolymers was held at Vyatka State University, gathering the best specialists from around the world.

Now, in August 2021, Kirov's scientists - employees of the Center for Competencies "Polymer Materials" VyatSU inflicted a 'returned the favour' to a colleague by visiting the laboratory of the Istanbul Technical University and discussed the subject of the educational program and further scientific research.

The meaning of such meetings is difficult to overestimate: after all, they not only contribute to the exchange of experience and expansion of cooperation, but also make it possible to compare the level of research and development of specialists of VyatSU to world standards. Scientists of the largest university of the Kirov region speak colleagues from leading Russian and foreign universities in the same language. This means that the requests from the regions and countries to create educational products will be satisfied at the highest level, and students of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology receive the latest knowledge and will be competitive in leading companies in the industry.

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