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VyatSU rector Valentin Pugach on Engineering Center opening

  • 20 September 2018, 09:40
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3102

Engineering Center opening will become one of the key events of upcoming Kirov regional Industry Week.

A press conference on upcoming Industrial Week (scheduled for September 24-30) has been held in Kirov region Government.

Opening the meeting Deputy Chairman of Kirov region Government Maxim Kochetkov emphasized that industry is a driving force for development of both region and the whole country. That was the reason why Kirov region Governor Igor Vasiliev established a new holiday - the Day of Industry of Kirov region. Celebrated on the last Sunday of September, it will finalize the Week of Industry, during which best practices and innovative technologies will be presented and a number of significant events will take place.

One of such events is the opening of VyatSU Engineering Center, scheduled for September 27.

Engineering Center opening will become one of the key events of upcoming Kirov regional Industry Week.

A press conference on upcoming Industrial Week (scheduled for September 24-30) has been held in Kirov region Government.

Opening the meeting Deputy Chairman of Kirov region Government Maxim Kochetkov emphasized that industry is a driving force for development of both region and the whole country. That was the reason why Kirov region Governor Igor Vasiliev established a new holiday - the Day of Industry of Kirov region. Celebrated on the last Sunday of September, it will finalize the Week of Industry, during which best practices and innovative technologies will be presented and a number of significant events will take place.

One of such events is the opening of VyatSU Engineering Center, scheduled for September 27.

Valentin Pugach, Rector of Vyatka State University said:

"The opening of the Engineering Center was preceded by a lot of preparatory work. Over the last year we have found and prepared industrial platforms for developing innovative products and manufacturing prototypes and preparing for their implementation at enterprises of Kirov region.

We work in close cooperation and with support of the Government and enterprises of the region; in particular within our joint activity in the Council of Chief Designers of Kirov region.

What was the Engineering Center created for? It's no secret that normally enterprises are mainly engaged in solving current problems. At the same time, there is an understanding of needs for developing innovative products. Engineering Center is called to take on this function, i.e. to generalize all the needs, formulate tasks and propose ways for enterprises to solve them".

 "Cherry on the cake," – Valentin Pugach named VyatSU’s recent victory in the contest for additional financing organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Thus, VyatSU Engineering Center will receive 25 million rubles by the end of current year, 44 million rubles next year and 80 million rubles in 2020. This achievement is a result of serious preparation and joint efforts of Vyatka State University and regional authorities. Support was also received from Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia.

The first results of work will be presented during the opening of the Engineering Center.

"We will tell and show what has already been done there," Valentin Pugach said.

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