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VyatSU Rector Valentin Pugach speaking at a meeting of the Council of Rectors of the Volga Federal District in Saransk

  • 2 June 2019, 07:56
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2578

Valentin Pugach shared his conclusions on the role of the modern university in the labor market

May 28, 2019. National Research Mordovia State University named after Ogarev (Saransk) held a meeting of the Rectors’ Council of the Volga Federal District on career guidance for the youth, graduates’ employment, and database keeping for tracking the professional path of the most successful students.

Valentin Nikolaevich Pugach, the rector of Vyatka State University, has participated in the meeting of the Rectors’ Council of the Volga Federal University with his presentation “Universities in the region’s labor market: facts and perspectives”. He noted the significant adjustments of the demographic situation that reflects in both quality and quantity of applicants over the past 15 years. Also, the quality of applicants is influenced by the Unified State Exam regulatory approach, as well as the structure of budget distribution within areas of study.

Valentin Pugach pointed out:

- Using career guidance tools, Universities are able to influence high school students’ choice of study areas. While studying at a university, systematic work on career guidance leads to increasing employment of graduates. And the employment is a measurable indicator that can be used by university career centers. Statistically significant indicators of graduates’ employment have been identified so far.

Valentin Pugach emphasized that university career guidance data can predict the success of employment and provide assistance to those needed.

In addition to the academic component Valentin Pugach noted the importance of both educational and motivational components while preparing graduates for further professional activity.

The speech of VyatSU rector Valentin Pugach aroused great interest among his colleagues.

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