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VyatSU scientist Natalya Chernysheva is one of the authors of the collective monograph "Sister cities"

  • 12 February 2019, 23:56
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2544

A presentation of the collective monograph "Sister cities" took part at the end of January in St. Petersburg. It was devoted to the 75th anniversary of The Siege of Leningrad lifting.

The book describes the regions of Russia and the Soviet Union republics that accepted the evacuated inhabitants of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War. The publication is the first comprehensive scientific research, recreating a "map" of evacuation from a blocked city, reconstructing the decision-making mechanisms relating to the resettlement of hundreds of thousands of Leningrad residents to the eastern regions of the country, and showing the atmosphere of everyday life of that period.

The book is based on documents from federal, regional and departmental archives, diaries and memoirs, as well as museum document collections.

The authors of the collective monograph are representatives of almost thirty regions, including university professors, employees of academic institutions and museums, and school teachers. The chapter about the evacuation of residents of Leningrad to Kirov region was prepared by VyatSU’s Natalia Chernysheva.

The authors took part in the exhibition “Leningrad Bridge. The history of the evacuation and return of besieged Leningrad residents” at the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg and the colloquium “Evacuation: Unknown”. Natalia Chernysheva made a presentation “We are from the blockade; memoirs of Leningrad citizens on evacuation and life behind enemy lines (based on materials from Kirov region)”, which aroused great interest among the audience.

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