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VyatSU students participate in the "Touriade-2018"

  • 26 May 2018, 07:19
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3390

The program included competitions in cognitive tourism, video and song competitions, competitions in water and pedestrian distances.

The work of the sixth sports and tourist camp of the Volga Federal District "Turiada-2018" has come to an end in Saratov region. Over 700 people from 14 regions of the Volga Federal District participated there.

Kirov team consisted of 40 people aged 16 to 25 years, including VyatSU students from various Faculties. Our athletes competed on water and pedestrian distances, and also on bicycles tracks. The program of the camp included also competitions in cognitive tourism: the presentation of the regional tourist event, the development of interregional tourist route, a video competition "I Love You, Volga district", a song contest "Music of Hearts" and a tourist quiz(in the form of a brain ring).

As a result the team of Kirov region managed to improve the result of previous years. In addition to competitive part Turiada-2018 has become a platform for experience exchanging between Volga regions, creativity, development of professional skills and competencies.

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