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VyatSU students presents Kirov region at the All-Russian week of Occupational safety and health in Sochi

  • 30 April 2017, 10:15
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3067

13 thousand organizations from all regions of Russia took part in it.

In mid-April the All-Russian Labor Protection Week (ARLPW) was held in Sochi, in which 13,000 organizations representing all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign experts in the field of occupational safety and health, took part. The forum has become a truly ambitious event, and its program has appeared to be diverse and rich: the work conducted on 16 thematic venues.

Kirov region was represented by VyatSU team which included 14 students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. They told that participation in the youth forum "The Future of Safe Labor" was а significant event for the team. A great interest of students was also caused by the seminar "The main directions of further improvement of labor protection. Transition to the model of preventive measures", discussion of planned amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and a strategic plenary discussion "The concept of "zero traumatism".

Discussions and contests in case’s solving have been organized for ARLPW participants, not only between formed teams, but also in interaction with other regions team members.

Vyatka State University team has successfully presented our region again confirming the key status of our University.

VyatSU student Olga Belyova has become one of the winners of the competitions and won an internship at a prestigious company EuroChem.

Positive feedback has been given to a project "Improvement of Occupational Safety Management System in the Railway Industry", presented by VyatSU’s Olga Golovinova, Mikhail Vetlugin, Natalia Chervyakova, Roman Teterin. Special assessment of working conditions on a railway has been revealed by students on example of Kirov branch of the FR Railways, and they have proposed some effective ways of solving those problems. This project has been prepared by young researchers under the guidance of experienced mentors - specialists of VyatSU Department of Industrial Safety and Engineering Systems.

An interesting leisure program has been organized for the participants of ARLPW: excursions over the Olympic Park, night Sochi, Adler Thermal Power Plant; a Concert and disco. Those cultural and entertainment events has become a well-deserved award for a worthy presentation at the largest forum on occupational safety and health.

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