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Spring Festival in different languages

  • 23 March 2021, 11:40
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1709

VyatSU celebrated Navruz - the holiday of the arrival of spring according to the astronomical solar calendar among the Iranian and Turkic peoples

In honor of Navruz, at the Engineeringium of VyatSU, foreign students spoke about the spring holiday and began to prepare for it. Celebrated for over 3,000 years in the Balkans, the Black Sea Basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East and elsewhere, Navruz has a unique meaning.

The fact is that Navruz is a holiday of spring and equinox: according to the astronomical calendar on March 21, day and night become equal. On this day, nature comes to life, a person wakes up from hibernation and merges with nature in absolute harmony. It is this meaning that is contained in the holiday.

On September 30, 2009 Navruz was included by UNESCO in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The bright traditions of the Turkic and Iranian peoples were demonstrated by foreign students of VyatSU, continuing them far from their homeland. According to students, Navruz is more than a holiday. It carries within itself the values ​​of peace and solidarity: refreshing of humans and nature. And every Navruz holiday is accompanied by songs and dances, as well as a large festive table.

Preparations for the holiday begin a few days beforehand. For example, in Uzbekistan, according to the student of VyatSU Dildora Binaeva, a few days before Navruz, hashar is announced (in Russian - subbotnik). This is a joint work of people, combined with charity: cleaning the house, yards and streets, transferring things to orphanages, nursing homes, and even transferring funds to charitable organizations.

And in Tajikistan, according to the story of Mavluda Saduloeva, they begin to prepare for Navruz in a month. During the month before the holiday, events are held everywhere: cockfighting, horse games, generous feasts. Jumping over bonfires is especially noteworthy. On the night of Navruz, large bonfires are lit in the courtyards, jumping over which separates the past and the future. If you jump, you will leave all the bad things in the past.

In Azerbaijan, Navruz is a sweet holiday: the more sweets you cook, the sweeter the year will be. According to tradition, there should be food on the table, consisting of seven dishes, the name of which begins with the letter "s".

Different cultural traditions, which were introduced to the guests by representatives of the countries, but the meaning is the same: Navruz is the renewal of a person and the flowering of his soul. The VyatSU Association of Foreign Students and the international department helped the guests flourish in Engineeringium, plunge into the culture of the East and taste the East.

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