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VyatSU students will meet with Maria Butina

  • 23 March 2021, 12:53
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3427
Political activist, publicist, public figure and author of the book "Prison Diary" will answer questions from students of Vyatka State University

Maria Butina will come to Kirov to present her book "The Prison Diary".

The meeting with students will take place on March 24 at 15:30 in the Engineeringium of VyatSU (Preobrazhenskaya, 41).

All students are invited.

For reference:

Maria Valerievna Butina is a Russian political activist, publicist and public figure.

Maria Butina became famous after her arrest in Washington in July 2018 on charges of working as a foreign agent in the United States without registration. On December 13, 2018, as part of a deal with the investigation, Butina pleaded guilty in an American court regarding participation in a conspiracy against the United States, and also said that she acted under the leadership of a Russian official. On April 26, 2019, she was sentenced in the United States to 18 months in prison. After serving part of her sentence and being deported, Butina returned to Russia on October 26, 2019.

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