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VyatSU takes care of the safety of Kirov residents and guests of the city

  • 17 July 2023, 16:36
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1724
VyatSU takes care of the safety of Kirov residents and guests of the city

On Theater Square, near the 2nd building of Vyatka State University, work began on the removal of emergency plantings

Trees and shrubs create comfort, ennoble the streets, make the air cleaner. But, like any living organism, plants are not eternal. Over time, there comes a time when you need to remove the planting. And do it on time, because a dried tree can create an emergency.


To avoid dangerous situations, Vyatka State University on an ongoing basis identifies dry, old and diseased trees that are located on the territory of the university with the invitation of experts and a special commission. At the second building of Vyatka State University, several emergency trees were identified, permission was received for dismantling. After the removal of old trees, new young trees will be planted in their place.


Earlier, we wrote that for Vyatka State University, the improvement, care and landscaping of territories is one of the most important areas of campus and infrastructure policy. This year, more than 12.5 thousand flowers were planted near all 24 buildings of Vyatka State University. Landscaping is done by students, teachers, employees of various structural divisions of the university and, of course, the Botanical Garden of Vyatka State University.



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