Online newspaper

VyatSU to open Preschool Group

  • 8 October 2018, 13:10
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3236

Games with glove puppets, figures made of kinetic sand, lego-designing and much more - the opening ceremony of a preschool kindergarten group is to be interesting and informative for both kids and their parents.

We invite the children of VyatSU staff and students to the pre-school group opening on October 18, 2018 at 2.00 pm at address: Kirov, 113, Oktyabrsky Prospect. The preschool group is aimed at meeting the needs of looking after staff’s and students’ children. It is launched as part of the strategic project “Agency for Educational Innovation” of VyatSU Development Program for 2016-2020.

Children of preschool age will be offered to construct using LEGO Education and to do exercises with educational robotics. The little ones will be able to make various shapes from multi-colored kinetic sand, create their own stories using sand on a light table, and also perform educational exercises with a didactic table. Games with glove puppets and motion games with soft modules are sure to interest all little fidgets.

The children of VyatSU employees and students at the age of 3 to 4 years are invited to the group for a short stay from October 22, 2018 from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 16.30.

To enroll in a group please contact VyatSU trade union organization: Office 1-100., 36, Moskovskya St, Kirov

Tel .: +7 (8332) 64-09-25, ext. 1-73


For methodological support of the preschool group please contact VyatSU Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

Preschool group contact info: 113, Oktyabrsky Prospect, Kirov.

Head of the preschool group is Ekaterina Maltseva, tel .: +7-912-360-11-23

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