Online newspaper

VytSU's Laser Center became a resident of Skolkovo

  • 28 July 2021, 13:25
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1491

 The company "VolgaTermolazer" - an industrial center for laser heat treatment and surfacing, co-founded by the Vyatka State University, has received the status of a resident of Skolkovo

The project of the company on laser technology of processing of the cutting tool providing effect of self-sharpening, was highly estimated by Skolkovo experts.

Skolkovo resident status allows the company to switch to a special tax regime, participate in corporate, acceleration and grant programs.

VolgaTermolazer provides services in laser heat treatment, repair and restoration surfacing, conducts applied developments and research in the interests of the largest machine-building enterprises in the region - the Mayak and Avitek plants, as well as products for wood processing plants of HolzHaus and Segezhskiy PPM.

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