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We are waiting for you at the scientific show SCIENCE STAND UP | Senior League!

  • 1 February 2022, 10:12
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1419

How to talk about your scientific work simply, with some self-irony and win? Your teachers will be coping with this task! On February 8th, on the Day of Russian Science, they will compete for the title of the best stand-up teacher at Vyatka State University. And you can choose the winner!

So, let's meet at the Engineering Institute of Vyatka State University, on February 8 at 17.30! Registration will only last until February 7, so we advise you to hurry.

Choose the format that suits you best:


  •     Watch the online broadcast in the SNO VyatSU group
  •     Come to the Boiling Point (room 26, Preobrazhenskaya st., 41)

All registered viewers will receive a certificate of participation in Science Stand Up, gifts from SSS Vyatka State University and partners of the event: Game Center | Virtual Reality, EDEN cosmetics, WarTec Leisure Center, Coffe Like, ProSalt. (ProСоль.) Network of salt caves, Cleaning company "I want cleaning" ("Хочу уборку").

Detailed information and deadlines for Science Stand Up participants in the SNO VyatSU VKontakte group.

We remind you that when attending offline events, participants over the age of 18 must have a QR code. All participants are required to wear masks and social distancing.

Science Stand Up is a series of scientific fights in the popular 'science slam' format, when the participant talks about his scientific work in the most accessible and interesting way.

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