Online newspaper

We feel confident in the professional environment

  • 29 June 2019, 07:09
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3423

The fourth year students of the "Biotechnology" direction told about pre-diploma practice at the divisions of the production enterprise and the research center of the GENERIUM company.

The high level of personnel training at the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of VyatSU has long been known not only in the Kirov region, but also far beyond its borders; and cooperation with the leaders of the Russian pharmaceutical market successfully continues and is getting stronger.

A full-cycle innovative high-end pharmaceutical company GENERIUM, which is one of the main developers of drugs for the treatment of orphan diseases, hemophilia, multiple sclerosis and diagnosis of tuberculosis, last year provided an opportunity to undergo a pre-diploma practice for four students of the "Biotechnology" direction. In a cohesive team of highly qualified specialists, our students were not taken aback, and demonstrated professional competencies necessary for successful work.

This March, the company GENERIUM invited a group of biotechnology students to the Open Day. The event became truly significant and special: after all, in addition to representatives of Vyatka State University, students from several Russian universities, each of which has an impeccable reputation at home and abroad, became its participants. A real gift for the guests was an excursion to the International Biotechnology Center GENERIUM, a cluster of high-quality staff, the latest equipment, unique developments. There was also a scientific quest, a kind of mini-exam for the verification of professional competencies - the fourth-year students of VyatSU passed it perfectly and received an invitation to undergo a pre-diploma practice!

Recently, 11 graduates of the bachelor program returned from the village of Volginsky (Vladimir Region), where they had month and half practice at GENERIUM. Part of the students held the practice at the manufacturing, the other - in the scientific center, the holy of holies of the company, the heart of modern scientific research. There, in the Department of process development, was Denis Nagovitsyn. Once in the laboratory of the development of cultivation processes, he became a participant in the research of mammalian cell lines.

Students also noted that they felt at home: the company GENERIUM provided them with comfortable accommodation, and the beautiful nature of Volginsky and the modern gym were their favorite places to spend their leisure time.

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