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We invite you to the Festival of the Peoples of the World!

  • 3 November 2022, 21:01
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1591

November 8 at the "Engineerium" VyatSU will host the Festival of the Peoples of the World from the Association of Foreign Students of Russia

The program will include:

    - Concert of students from Uganda, Turkmenistan, Russia, Congo, Haiti, Egypt, Yemen, Uzbekistan, China, Tajikistan.
    - Meeting with rectors of leading Kirov universities and representatives of the Association of Foreign Students of Russia.

Come to visit completely different parts of our planet in a few hours!

The festival will begin on November 8 at 10:00 am at the Vyatka State University Engineering Center (Preobrazhenskaya St., 41).

Don't forget to register for Leader ID in advance.

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