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XXII All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Society. The science. Innovations" (NPK-2022)

  • 30 January 2022, 18:50
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2040

"Vyatka State University" invites you to take part in the XXII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Society. The science. Innovations” (NPK-2022), which will be held in April 2022 in online and offline formats in the scientific areas announced in the conference theme.

The purpose of the conference:

Discussion and publication of scientific achievements of scientists, graduate students, undergraduates, bachelors and students, identifying opportunities for solving urgent problems of the development of society and science, establishing creative ties and improving the efficiency of using the scientific potential of universities, scientific organizations and enterprises in solving priority scientific and practical problems of developing Russian science.


Сonference topics:

- physical, mathematical and computer sciences;

- chemical sciences;

- biological sciences;

- earth sciences;

- technical science;

- humanitarian sciences;

- social sciences


As part of the conference, it is planned to publish an electronic collection of articles NPK-2022.


The collection will be posted

– on the platform and included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI),

- on the website of the Vyatka State University Scientific Publishing House (


Publishing articles is free


Important dates:

Provision by the authors of articles and accompanying documents -

until February 08, 2022

Publication of the programs of scientific sections on the website of Vyatka State University -

from 01 to 06 April 2022

Conducting scientific sections of the conference in scientific areas in online and offline formats -

from 11 to 29 April 2022

Publication of the conference proceedings -

June 2022

