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"Digital Art": ongoing lectures

  • 17 November 2017, 15:58
  • Author: admin
  • Views 7863

On November 22 Kirov Art Museum named after V.M. and A.M. Vasnetsov invites everybody for the next cycle of lectures "Modern cinema in the information space" within VyatSU ongoing project "Digital Art".


In terms of impending "death of cinema" (that has been announced by such masters of world cinema as Peter Greenaway, Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, George Lucas, Martin Scorsese, David Lynch) it is relevant to take a productive panoramic view on world cinema in all diversity of its metamorphosis – from defining roles of national cinema schools in culture competition to valuing cinematography in the process of global digitalization of the social environment. In this perspective the "death of cinema" may be just one more metamorphose, prolonging a life-cycle of culture as a whole, bringing it to a new level.

November 22, 5.30 p.m.

Lecture 1. Cinema as means of formatting and analyzing of the information society

Lecturer – N. V. Korotkov, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences,

Associate Professor from VyatSU Philosophy Department.

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