Online newspaper

On November 20 VyatSU organizes the All-Russian Geographical dictation

  • 2 November 2016, 19:41
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3045

The organizers of the All-Russian Geographical dictation in Kirov region are VyatSU and Regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

The purposes of the event are: to obtain objective information on geographic literacy level of the Russian population, to give possibility for independent assessment of people’s knowledge in Geography, to attract attention to the problem of geographic literacy of the population.

Before the beginning of the dictation each participant will be given a hard copy form with tasks to be completed and verbal instructions. Lead time for work is 45 minutes. The maximum score for the dictation is 100 points.

One of the dictation principles is anonymity. The results will be available (personally) on December 25th at RGS website by entering your identification number. This number will be issued to each participant upon registration.

The correct answers, as well as typical errors will be available at the RGS website too. Experienced Geography teachers will check the dictations.

Everybody is welcome to take part.


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