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On the VyatSU platform, representatives of the Volga Federal District regions define new meanings of youth policy

  • 18 June 2021, 10:02
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1439

The main part of the program of the regional seminar-meeting, organized by Rosmolodezh in cooperation with the regional ministry of sports and youth policy, takes place in Engineerium.

The focus is on youth. It was the "youthful" theme that was the key at a major event that started on June 16 in the region. The Kirov region has become the venue for the district seminar-meeting of the Volga Federal District on topical projects of youth policy, organized by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs in conjunction with the regional ministry of sports and youth policy and the regional youth palace.

The partner was the largest university in the region, which provided a platform - Engineerium of VyatSU - for the implementation of the main program of the seminar.

    Many thanks to Vyatka State University for the support it provides to us, including in the framework of the seminar-meeting. We have many topics that are in demand from a practical point of view - the university staff has accumulated vast experience on them, which we will discuss with colleagues from other regions, - noticed on arrival at Engineering Georgy Barminov, acting Minister of Sports and Youth Policy of the Kirov region.

Opening the seminar-meeting, Georgy Andreevich read out the greeting of the head of the region Igor Vasiliev to the participants who came to Kirov from all territories of the Volga Federal District.

The rector of VyatSU Valentin Pugach also addressed them. He emphasized that young people have changed - this fact must be taken into account when shaping the agenda in youth policy. Valentin Nikolayevich reminded that young people are not only activists presenting their projects at "Ivolga", striving for "Sirius" and "Tavrida".

    A large percentage of young people remain outside these activities, showing no interest in them. In no case should we forget about these people, we also need to offer them something, - called on Valentin Pugach to fill youth policy with new meanings.

The organizers of the seminar-meeting are ready to offer the participants a wide range of "live" cases. This was announced by Kirill Litvitsky, head of the Regional Cooperation Department of Rosmolodezh.

    Many projects should be made specifically for the regions, - he stressed the importance of taking into account the characteristics of specific territories.

Among the speakers of the seminar-meeting are representatives of Rosmolodezh, Rospatriotcenter, Rosdetcenter, ANO "Big Change", the Association of Volunteer Centers, speaking on the topics of grant support, organization of volunteer activities, social activity, patriotic education.

The work of sections and master classes, various trainings, excursions to the infrastructure of youth policy and the sights of the Kirov region - the program of a three-day seminar-meeting for 120 youth workers will become rich and relevant.

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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