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Participation in the program of flagship universities in Russia allowed VyatSU to acquire a unique experience necessary to conquer new heights

  • 2 April 2021, 12:59
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1953

Large-scale transformations were implemented in different directions, giving rise to effective practices and producing a synergistic effect - the actual results of the implementation of the "Development Program of VyatSU for 2016-2020." far exceeded the planned

The Vyatka State University summed up the final results of participation in the development program for flagship universities. Even a brief statement of the results of the "five-year plan" (2016-2020) gave rise to a report that takes hundreds of pages - a concise publication provides an opportunity to give just a few touches of the large-scale and diverse activities carried out by VyatSU as the flagship university of the Kirov region.

The most important direction has become the modernization of educational activities. Today, VyatSU implements a wide range of basic and additional educational programs, according to which more than 23 thousand people are trained. These are representatives of 70 regions of the Russian Federation and 27 countries of the world.

In accordance with the "Development Program of VyatSU for 2016-2020." At the university, the strategic project "Agency for Educational Innovation" was successfully implemented, one of the many examples of activities within which was the creation of pedagogical classes in a number of schools in the Kirov region, which became an important step towards bridging the "gap" between different levels of education.

Thanks to the use of innovative techniques, the number and quality of professional competencies formed in the learning process has significantly increased. The use of the WorldSkills format in the course of training sessions and examinations at the overwhelming majority of faculties serves as a vivid evidence. The results of the implementation of current methods are impressive: VyatSU students regularly become winners of regional, national and international WorldSkills championships. A recent example was the bright performance of the university team at the IV National Interuniversity Championship "Young Professionals". Maxim Zagoskin (competence "Laboratory chemical analysis") and Igor Prozorov ("IT solutions for business on the platform" 1C: Enterprise ") brought two gold medals to the treasury of the university.

A number of successful practices have been formed during the implementation of additional professional education programs. So, as a result of the victory in the competitive selection of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation by the university in 2019 and 2020. activities were carried out to train scientific and pedagogical workers and employees of employing organizations for the implementation of modern continious education programs within the framework of the federal project "New opportunities for everyone" of the national project "Education".

Last year, nearly 1,300 students from 57 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (including seven of those in need of accelerated development) were trained in the programs:

"Modern methods of bionanotechnology",

"Provisions of good manufacturing practice (GMP)",

"Biomonitoring as a means of increasing environmental competence of education workers in the natural science cycle”,

“Technologies for accompanying persons with disabilities”,

“Digitalization of education and e-learning methodology”,

“BIM-design of civil buildings and structures”,

“Digital technologies of mechanical engineering”.

The coronavirus pandemic has played the role of a litmus test to determine the university's readiness to work in changing conditions, including non-standard situations. VyatSU was one of the first to switch to the online learning format, making it painless for all participants in the process. This opportunity appeared thanks to the unique educational resources developed at the university systematically, from the first year of the implementation of the Development Program of the flagship university - by 2020 VyatSU had the necessary set of almost ready-made cases!

Another significant direction of transformations at VyatSU was the modernization of research and innovation activities. Currently, the university carries out a large number of fundamental and applied scientific research, experimental and prototypical design developments. The activity of the Center of Excellence "Pharmaceutical Biotechnology" has become widely known, which has become a platform for the transfer of the latest technologies to companies in the region. Thus, VyatSU has become a backbone element in the development and scaling of innovative technologies for the production of unique recombinant vaccines. The main task of the university specialists in this cooperation was the reproduction of the technology, the components of which are being developed by several research groups in Russia and abroad, as well as its scaling from the "test tube" level to industrial production.

The activities of VyatSU, aimed at the formation of a high-tech biopharmaceutical industry in the region, were also developed in the form of the formation of biotechnological and immunobiological world-class scientific and educational center "Biopolis", which, in addition to Vyatka State University, included Kirov State Medical University, Vyatka Agrotechnical University, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", State Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms of the National Research Center "Kurchatovsky Institute ”, Federal Research Center for Research and Development of Immunobiological Preparations named after M.P. Chumakov RAS, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Nanolek LLC, Invac LLC.

The tasks of VyatSU as part of a world-class scientific and educational center are to conduct research and development work, transfer new technologies, implement measures to expand the international integration of education and research, develop a scientific, educational and industrial complex for the collective use of REC, training and retraining of personnel.

VyatSU competence centers are also developing successfully. Among them are "Polymer materials", "Environmental technologies and systems", "Use of biological resources". Today, in each of the centers of excellence, developments are carried out on topics relevant to the region, more and more examples of mutually beneficial collaboration with Russian and foreign partners appear.

The high level of achievements is demonstrated by the Engineering Center, created in close cooperation with the Government of the Kirov Region and the Council of Chief Designers of the region. Having become a platform for the development of innovative products and the manufacture of prototypes with the aim of their subsequent implementation at the enterprises of the region, the Center is constantly expanding the list of industrial partners and increasing the volume of engineering services.

It is important to note the active cooperation of the largest university and enterprises in the region. VyatSU has long-standing partnerships with a large number of organizations - OJSC "Lepse", JSC UCC "Uralkhim", JSC "Omutninsky Metallurgical Plant', LLC "Nanolek", LLC "SKB MT" and many others. At the same time, as the implementation of qualitative transformations in the field of research and innovation, the university began to cooperate with new partners. This concerns the development of a formulation of environmentally friendly solid dispersants for liquidating oil spills in offshore areas together with the Research Institute "Transneft", the development of an automated control system for welding processes with information output to a PC in the interests of JSC "Chernomortransneft" - and these are just a few examples out of many!

Education, research and innovation - fruitfully engaged in these types of activities, traditional for higher education, VyatSU has significantly gone beyond them. The University successfully implements the "third mission", which it interprets as carrying out systematic work on the social development of the territory of its presence. The great interest of the residents of the Kirov region was aroused by the activities of the strategic project "Headquarters of Positive Changes", aimed at rooting in the minds of people of the conviction: Vyatka is a region in which one wants to live. A center for the development of local communities, urban and regional environment has been created at VyatSU, consolidating the efforts of all structural units in this direction, organizing such projects as the 'Night of Museums", "Night of the Arts", "Art Garden", and "Lectures at the Polytechnic".

Cooperation with external stakeholders has significantly strengthened. Members of the regional government, heads of district administrations, entrepreneurs, public activists, representatives of NGOs - today they are all active participants in large teams that are conductors of the "third mission". VyatSU came to the final point of the implementation of the Development Program for the flagship university in a completely new capacity, transforming into a source of ideas, a consulting and expert center for institutional partners and the public.

The important instruments of VyatSU activities for the development of local communities and the regional environment today are the university's “Boiling Point” and “Project Office of ASI-VyatSU”. Opened in the fall of 2019, the "Boiling Point" worked fully and powerfully throughout 2020, showing a wide range of its capabilities. Thanks to the combination of offline and online participation in the activities of the "Boiling Point" of representatives of various development and education institutions, a core of friendly universities was formed, the geography of stakeholders from the business community and government authorities expanded. As part of the "third mission", the international project "Humanitarian Cooperation", the "Architecture" project in partnership with the Pushkin Museum, ICAE of Kirov and the cultural center "5th floor" , a festival of topical scientific cinema. Also, the most important areas of the "Boiling Point" agenda are the NTI movement, end-to-end technologies, circle movement, University 20.35, mentoring, personnel in the digital economy, foresight movement. Last year, Boiling Point became a venue for more than 150 events.

In November 2019, the Vyatka State University and the Agencystrategic initiatives with the support of the Government of the Kirov region, the business community, non-profit organizations, the "Project Office of ASI-VyatSU" was created. Aimed at supporting the leadership projects of students, employees, partners of VyatSU, the "ASI-VyatSU Project Office" took over the function of the operator of a large project "Mentoring for Communities", coordinated the work of public representatives and regional ASI groups, implemented a roadmap for the selection of the best projects for consulting and implementation on the territory of the Kirov region. A number of projects were transferred to the 'follow-through' stage. The experience of organizing the first selection of projects was highly appreciated by the Ministry of Economic Development and Entrepreneurship Support of the Kirov region, representatives of business and public organizations, the ASI central office, and the selection participants themselves.

In the process of implementing the “third mission”, Vyatka State University has taken a high bar, becoming the founder of new trends, a place of uniting creative people. VyatSU saw its purpose as a flagship university in the fact that each resident of the region received "benefits" from joint activities, felt his involvement in a common cause, felt the university's concern for themself and their place of residence.

During all the years of the implementation of the Development Program, VyatSU worked proactively, in close cooperation with partners, whose circle is constantly expanding. This led to the emergence of a synergistic effect, the achievement of results that go beyond the boundaries of the tasks set. Such an example was the creation of the NGO “Specialized Endowment Management Fund for the Development of Vyatka State University”. Registered at the end of 2019, the endowment fund became active last year. In the spring of 2020, VTB Bank became the first investor and contributed 3 million rubles to the endowment fund. In July, the endowment capital managed by VTB Capital began operating. By the decision of the Fund's Board of Trustees, income from endowment management was aimed at stimulating students and postgraduates who develop science and actively participate in social and volunteer activities.

The program for the development of VyatSU as a flagship university in the region has been overfulfilled - colossal experience has been accumulated over the five-year development period (2016-2020). It will become the basis for conquering new peaks, one of which is the Priority 2030 Strategic Academic Leadership Program. Becoming one of the PSAL participants - today the main efforts of the largest university in the Kirov region are connected with the achievement of this goal.

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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