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Postgraduate student of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of VyatSU Vladislav Belozerov became a recipient of the "Nordwestlab-Shimadzu" scholarship

  • 23 December 2021, 20:09
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1469

In accordance with the agreement between VyatSU and the "Nordwestlab" company, postgraduate students of natural sciences who carry out scientific research in the field of biology and biotechnology using modern physicochemical research methods and demonstrate a high level of scientific research and publication activity are awarded the "Nordwestlab-Shimadzu" scholarship

In the 2021-2022 academic year, Vladislav Belozerov, a postgraduate student of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology, became a scholar of this Program.

As part of a scientific study to study the adhesive properties of microorganisms, the young scientist seeks to develop a methodology for assessing the forces of intermolecular interactions using atomic force microscopy in order to increase knowledge about the course of the process of realizing the pathogenetic potential of microorganisms.

Using a Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer and an LCMS-8040 tandem liquid chromatomass spectrometer with a three-quadrupole system from "Shimadzu", Vladislav Belozerov studies the sensitization quality of the functional surfaces of an atomic force microscope and evaluates the purity of drugs used in studies to assess the strength of intermolecular interactions. The results obtained will be used in the future in the development of new antiadhesive prophylactic and therapeutic agents.

In 2020-2021 Vladislav Belozerov presented the results of his research in the form of 8 scientific publications, including 4 scientific articles in journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus systems, and also spoke at two conferences at the international and all-Russian levels.

The scholarship program with the company "Nordwestlab" promotes the involvement of students in research, development, innovative projects and is aimed at supporting students, which is one of the priorities of the implementation of the strategic project "Health Technologies" of the Development Program of Vyatka State University for 2021-2030 years

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