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Representatives of VyatSU won an impressive victory at the "UMNIK" grant competition

  • 7 April 2021, 11:14
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1840
Among the 14 winners from the Kirov region, 12 are from the largest university in the region. All of them will receive half a million rubles for the implementation of their own projects

On April 5, the Innovation Promotion Foundation announced the list of winners of the "UMNIK" competition aimed at identifying and supporting young researchers and innovators. Among the 14 winners from the Kirov region, 12 represent Vyatka State University, the largest university in the region.

Among them are two students of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology: Tatiana Skudnova (project "Development of a complex of biological products based on methane-forming and methane-oxidizing microorganisms for the disposal of the organic component of the solid waste landfill body") and Yulia Fominykh ("Development of a technology for the production of a microbiological preparation for processing crop residues" ).

The rest of the winners of "UMNIK" (10 people) are bachelors, undergraduates, postgraduates, graduates of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology. These are Mikhail Andreev ("Development of an electrolyte for applying a modifying nickel coating to the inner surface of chemical reactors"), Nikita Bakulev ("Development of new formulations for the diaphragm of the former-vulcanizer"), Kirill Belozerov ("Development of a polymer composition with a high degree of filling for the manufacture of connecting parts for solid oxide fuel cells by 3D printing "), Nadezhda Bogatyreva (" Development of a natural complex organic mineral fertilizer of prolonged action with the effect of activation of soil nitrogen-fixing microorganisms "), Kirill Knyazev (" Development of formulations of foamed polyurethanes from chemical recycling products "), Elizaveta Pomelova (" Development of a bacterial preparation that improves the solubility of phosphorus in soil "), Dmitry Popyvanov (" Development of biopolymer materials based on fungal mycelium "), Valery Trukhin (" Development of material for a 3D printer based on PVDF for medical needs "), Kirill Yuzhanin (" Development of self-opening coronary stent made of material based on a PVDF fluoropolymer "), Alena Vepreva (" Development of a battery for an uninterruptible power supply ").

The success of such a number of participants from the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology seems logical: for several years now, project activities have been actively developing here, in which students are involved at the start of their studies.

Those who continue their studies in the magistracy study the discipline "Innovative Entrepreneurship": it is led by the head of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Polymer Processing Roman Vesnin.

    We consider the creation of our own project from all sides: we analyze the circle of possible consumers of the planned product result, think over the optimal "packaging", discuss the accents necessary for the presentation of the case, -

explained Roman Leonidovich.

The result is clear: 7 out of 10 winning chemists have taken the course on innovative entrepreneurship. Currently, the possibility of studying the discipline is being considered in other institutes of VyatSU.

Each winner of the "UMNIK" competition will receive 500 thousand rubles for the implementation of his project within two years.

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