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Russian and foreign scientists discussed the problems of psychological well-being and social success of the individual in the context of modern challenges

  • 28 November 2021, 10:02
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1396

The organizer of the international forum is the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University, the meeting place is the university's "Boiling Point".

On November 27th VyatSU hosted international forum an international forum "Psychological well-being and social success of the individual in the context of modern challenges.

The event organized as a space a space of international interaction of representatives of the scientific community, teachers, specialists who study the psychological well-being and social success of the individual in modern conditions.

At the plenary session leading scientists presented their reportson current issues of formation of psychological well-being of the person in modern conditions, studying of psychological well-being of students during the pandemic, threats to psychological well-being.

There were open lectures on key aspects of achieving psychological well-being.

Each participant was able to take part in master classes of practicing psychologists and master the resource techniques of a psychologist in the personal, professional and family spheres.


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