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Scientist of Vyatka State University Zoya Viktorovna Smetanina was awarded the Honorary Badge of A.I. Herzen

  • 11 September 2020, 16:26
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1633
One of the brightest achievements of Z.V. Smetanina was the activity on the creation of the "Regional Dictionary of Vyatka dialects"

The pride of any university is not only smart students, but also wonderful teachers, specialists in their field, extraordinary scientists who devote their entire lives to science.

It is joyful when the merits of such people are celebrated outside the university.

So, on September 8 in the A.I. Herzen library was awarded the Honorary Badge of AI Herzen to Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language, Culture of Speech and Teaching Methods of VyatSU Zoya Viktorovna Smetanina in connection with the 70th anniversary of the scientist.

In recent years, Zoya Viktorovna headed the work on the preparation of the "Regional Dictionary of Vyatka dialects", being one of the few remarkable Vyatka dialectologists.

We thank Zoya Viktorovna for her work and wish her creative success!


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