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Scientists, representatives of authorities and the business community from all over Russia at the Vyatka State University discussed technologies for processing waste to obtain new products

  • 1 December 2022, 09:14
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1601

The IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Waste processing technologies with obtaining new products" was held on the second day of the IV All-Russian scientific and practical forum "Utilization of production and consumption waste: innovative approaches and technologies".

From November 29 to December 2, the IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Forum "Utilization of Production and Consumption Waste: Innovative Approaches and Technologies" is being held at the Engineeringium of Vyatka State University.

The forum program is extensive: it consists of three all-Russian conferences with international participation, as well as two events addressed primarily to young researchers. These are the IV All-Russian youth competition of research projects "Development of methods and technologies for handling production and consumption waste, organization of environmental monitoring" and the intellectual game "Zero Waste" for students of universities participating in the federal scientific and educational consortium "Advanced EcoTechnologies".

The block of "youth" events made up the first day of the forum, giving the event a bright start. On the same day, the XII All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation and the school of young scientists "Chemistry and Technology of Plant Substances" began their work - it will end on December 2.
