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VyatSU employees are back from an expedition to Atarskaya Luka

  • 5 August 2016, 21:48
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5883
On August 5th members of the expedition shared their experience and discoveries made during the scientific expedition "Atarskaya Luka: Rediscovering”.

The expedition lasted for 4 days, from 28th to 31st of July. Among the participants there were VyatSU staff from the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology (experts in zoology, botany, landscape studies) and a representative from the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Kirov region. The objects for study were Kukarskaya, Atarskaya and Krasnoselskaya bends of the river Vyatka – so-called territory of Atarskaya Luka.



This area is unique for its natural features not only for Kirov region, but for all Western part of Russia. The remains of ancient mammals of the Ice Age, a beach with "singing sands" that produce melodies while being touched, huge species diversity of flora and fauna (among them seven species of birds have been listed in the Red Book (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species)). All these natural objects are of great value to the region, not only in scientific, but also in ecological and tourist terms.

Despite it all Atarskaya Luka have been studied very little by scientific community, and a lot of residents of Kirov region have never heard about it.


Alla Albegova, Director of VyatSU Institute of Chemistry and Ecology:

- By organizing the expedition we were aimed to four objectives. The first is an educational one. There is a great number of species in a small area of Atarskaya Luka, so it would be appropriate to arrange a practical base there for our students.

The second objective is a scientific one: the area has a great research potential.  There are remains of ancient mammals: mammoths, bison, and other animals. They have not been excavated yet. 


The third objective is enlightenment. We want the residents of Kirov region to pay attention to this area as to a place for ecological tourism. This area is already facing the devastating human impact: tourists leave garbage there and make fires. 

Finally, the fourth objective is to get specially protected status for this area at the Federal level. The question has been raised by the regional community for over 20 years already. But VyatSU expedition is sure that no delay with this decision is acceptable. Every year during floods the river Vyatka erodes the banks of the ridges, and carries away paleontological values – remains of ancient animals.  One of those values was found by the members of the expedition: it was a well-preserved horn of bison aged more than 100 thousand years.

The finding is of real significance: last excavations in the territory of Atarskaya Luka were conducted half a century ago, in 1966, and a skeleton of bison was discovered there. More than likely that in this area such burial places are numerous: a problem is to find them and study thoroughly. And for this reason this area should be under special protection.

The participants of the expedition propose to give Atarskaya Luka the status of a landscape-nature protected area (wildlife sanctuary). The status will let the territory be divided into relevant areas: some only for scientific research, others for locals to gather mushrooms and berries, to fish and hunt, and for tourists to relax.

Now the members of the expedition begin to study collected materials: sampled soil, plants, parts of animals’ skeletons, photos and videos, etc.

The expedition «Atarskaya Luka: Rediscovering» is only the beginning of a huge project of VyatSU named "Gorod_Reka” (City_River). After the first expedition the others will take place: scientists are going to analyze the phenomenon of the main water artery of Kirov region, the river of Vyatka (its length within Kirov region is 1 230 km).

To read in Russian
