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The scientific journal "Theoretical and Applied Ecology", one of the founders of which is Vyatka State University, is 15 years old

  • 23 December 2022, 12:44
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2617
The team of an authoritative publication in the world professional community accepted congratulations at the site of the Regional Scientific Library named after. A.I. Herzen

This year marks 15 years since the publication of the first issue of the scientific journal "Theoretical and Applied Ecology", founded by Vyatka State University and the Kamerton Publishing House.

On December 22nd in honor of a significant date in the regional scientific library named after. A.I. Herzen held a festive event.

Opening it, the deputy director of the library Svetlana Budashkina noted:

     "15 years is a very good time for a magazine, especially in our difficult times.

Indeed, new editions appear every now and then, but their life is often short-lived. The journal "Theoretical and Applied Ecology" not only survived, but developed dynamically. Already two years after the publication of the first issue, the publication was included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission - today the journal appears in it in such branches of science as biogeochemistry (chemical sciences), analytical chemistry (chemical sciences), microbiology (biological sciences), ecology (biological sciences), ecology (chemical sciences), soil science (biological sciences), physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry (geographical sciences), aerospace exploration of the Earth, photogrammetry (technical sciences).

"Theoretical and Applied Ecology" has gained authority both in the country and abroad: the scientific journal is included in Russian and international databases. Thus, in the RSCI on the Web of Science platform, the journal was assigned the Q2 quartile: among 931 publications, Theoretical and Applied Ecology occupies 351 positions.

Over the years of the journal's existence, 59 issues have been published, 1280 scientific articles have been published in them - both venerable authors and talented young researchers.

This was reported by Professor Tamara Ashikhmina, the initiator, permanent inspirer and editor-in-chief of the journal Theoretical and Applied Ecology. “An amazing person”, “a person-epoch”, “soul, heart, wings, fiery engine of the magazine” - this is how the host of the evening Nadezhda Viktorovna Syrchina, a like-minded person and for many years her colleague at work not only in a scientific publication, but and at the Department of Fundamental Chemistry and Methods of Teaching Chemistry of Vyatka State University, Research Laboratory of Biomonitoring of Vyatka State University and the Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

T.Ya. Ashikhmina addressed warm words to the staff of the journal, naming names significant for the publication. L.I. Domracheva, I.G. Shirokikh, S.V. Degteva, B.I. Kochurov, S.G. Skugoreva, T.I. Kutyavina, G.Ya. Kantor are just some of the large and close-knit team of creators of Theoretical and Applied Ecology. And how many compliments every time the design of the magazine receives, including the amazing beauty and the highest quality of photography by Alexander Shirokikh, not only a prominent scientist and a sought-after author of articles, but also a wonderful photo artist! And how important is the work done by the young researcher Vyacheslav Rutman to create the journal's website! It is impossible to overestimate the contribution of everyone - the editor-in-chief never tired of reminding us of this. With gratitude, Tamara Yakovlevna addressed both her colleagues from the O-short publishing house and the founders, who invariably provide support.

The rector of VyatSU Valentin Pugach made a congratulatory speech. He emphasized that the journal "Theoretical and Applied Ecology" has been covering the most pressing problems throughout its existence. A few years ago they were connected with the topic of the destruction of chemical weapons, now one of the most important issues has become the disposal, neutralization, processing of waste of hazard class I and II.

     "The journal has always managed to present a complex mosaic, a palette of opinions and approaches to topical issues in a balanced and reasonable way. The merit of the "Theoretical and Applied Ecology" team is in creating the right information field," - summed up Valentin Nikolaevich.

During the evening, congratulations were heard from representatives of the scientific elite of universities and research institutes from different regions of Russia, heads of state authorities, industrial enterprises, commercial and public organizations. Kind words with best wishes were addressed to the editorial board by the publishing house "Kamerton", the team of "O-Kratkoe" LLC, the Public Chamber of the Kirov Region, the Vyatka Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

An impressive range of speeches was prepared by the staff of Vyatka State University, the university to which the editor-in-chief Tamara Ashikhmina and most members of the editorial board devoted their professional activities. Creatively, with imagination and humor, the employees of the center of publication activity approached the congratulations, reflecting the process of preparing a separate magazine issue with poems of their own composition.

The Institute of Chemistry and Ecology was represented by a large number of speakers - the director of the institute Denis Kozulin, employees of the Department of Fundamental Chemistry and Methods of Teaching Chemistry, the Department of Industrial and Applied Ecology, the Center of Competence "Environmental Technologies and Systems", ecoanalytical laboratory congratulated the editorial board. Colleagues shared their memories, did not skimp on the words of gratitude to the staff of the journal, the authors of which they were lucky to become.

Good luck, the team of "Theoretical and Applied Ecology" journal! To new successes and achievements!

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