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VyatSU among the winners of the all-Russian competition of projects in patriotic education

  • 22 September 2016, 10:03
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5471
The winners of projects for grants to conduct activities on patriotic education of citizens have been finally defined

VyatSU project "Scientific and ethnographic fieldwork of students and youth: inter-ethnic cooperation and patriotic education" has received financial support for its implementation.

The necessity to include various ethnic groups of students into the multi-cultural heritage and traditions of the peoples of Russia, the strengthening of intercultural dialogue between different ethnic groups and nationalities of the Russian society in Volga North-Western and Central Federal districts of the Russian Federation provide the relevance to the project.

VyatSU students will go to the ethnographic expeditions to rural and urban settlements and towns of Vologda, Kirov, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm regions, as well as to Republic of Komi, Republic of Mari El, Republic of Tatarstan and the Udmurt Republic to gather information about the traditions, culture, rituals and mentality of the region.

The project is also unique due the possibility for students with disabilities or with problems (various difficult life situations) to participate in these expeditions.

It should be mentioned that by today VyatSU has gained considerable experience in the organization of expeditions, including ethno-cultural ones. Since 2002 Vyatka archaeological and ethnographic expedition has been functioning, as well as an educational Museum of history and culture of Vyatka region. Regional research works are presented by the scientific developments of various districts of Kirov region.


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