Online newspaper

On December 9 a well-known media leader Ivan Zassoursky will deliver his lecture within the project "Lectures at the Polytechnic"

  • 5 December 2016, 18:55
  • Author: admin
  • Views 6077

The theme of his presentation is "Scientific communication in open access in a new media era".

There will be discussed some issues of information and legal support of science, a necessity of creating a unified knowledge space. The Project’s guest will present his point of view on the problem and propose some legal and technological steps to solve it.

For your reference:

Ivan Zassoursky is a Russian journalist and producer, specialist in the history of Russian media, blogger, one of social media leaders, Candidate of Philological Sciences, the head of the Department of New Media and Communications Theory Studies in the School of Journalism at Lomonosov’s Moscow State University, a founder and publisher of Chastny Korrespondent, an online newspaper (Russian for “Private Correspondent”). He is also the host of Press Club XXI, a talk show, and has authored more than 500 publications and periodicals in Russia and abroad. He is the grandson of Yassen Zassoursky, the Dean of the Faculty of Journalism of MSU (1965-2007).

Everyone is welcome to a lecture!

Beginning at 17.00.


Read in Russian
