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Stability and security of socio-economic systems

  • 23 May 2021, 14:02
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1522

Within the framework of the Year of Science and Technology, the thematic month "Ensuring security: new challenges and threats", the Institute of Economics and Management of VyatSU, with the support of the International Association of Financial and Economic Education Organizations, on May 28, 2021, holds the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ensuring Sustainability and Social Security -economic systems: overcoming the threats of the crisis space "

The purpose of the conference is to search for solutions to relevant problems of the development of modern fundamental and applied science in the field of analysis and diagnostics, increasing efficiency, building risk-oriented models for ensuring the stability and safety of socio-economic systems in the context of overcoming the growing threats of the crisis space with the participation of a wide range of scientists.

Conference Sections

    Threats, criteria and indicators, methodology for diagnostics and modeling of stability and security of socio-economic systems at the macro- and meso-level;
    Risk-oriented management and compliance control as elements of strategic development and ensuring the sustainability of the economy and business;
    Investment, innovation and market factors and criteria for ensuring the efficiency, safety and sustainability of economic and industrial systems;
    Regulatory aspects of ensuring socio-economic security: international, national and regional aspects;
    Sociocultural aspects of safety and modern engineering technologies for social risk management;
    Accounting, analytical and management aspects of ensuring financial stability and security at the level of the state, region, organization;
    Modern digital technologies and tools to ensure the sustainability and security of socio-economic systems;
    Environmental and technological factors of economic development and overcoming security threats;
    Threats to the development of the spatial economy and mechanisms to overcome them;
    Application of methods and modern technologies of crisis management in the context of countering global risks.

Within the framework of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of materials, through the publishing house SciTePress Digital Library (Science and Technology Publications, Lda), Portugal, with the subsequent direction of the collection for indexing into the international scientometric citation base Web of Science.

Also, participants will be able to submit their publications in the thematic issue of the journal "Economics and Management: Problems and Solutions" (VAK).

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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