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The method developed by VyatSU scientists can be used to control the spread of coronavirus

  • 9 November 2020, 08:59
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1814
The development was presented at the international conference CIS-2020 in India

In mid-September, Delhi hosted a major international conference on the development and application of intelligent systems “Congresson Intelligent Systems (CIS-2020)”. This event was hosted by the Soft Computing Research Society (SCRS), the worldwide community for intelligent computing research.

The aim of CIS-2020 is to attract representatives of academic science, leading scientific laboratories, the electronics industry and government agencies to jointly discuss and resolve issues of design, development and improvement of modern intelligent systems for various purposes. Out of 681 papers, 92 reports were selected in four main areas of the conference: “Intelligent systems (hardware and software)”, “Intelligent robotics”, “Computational intelligence”, “Machine vision”.

During the conference, the participants shared their experience in solving many fundamental and applied problems related to the development of expert systems, big data analysis systems, brain modeling and simulation systems, intelligent transport systems, neuro-fuzzy systems, biointelligent systems, machine vision systems and image recovery, intelligent cybersecurity systems, autonomous robots; as well as advanced machine learning and high-performance inference.

The conference was attended by scientists from Vyatka state University. Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Computing Machines Vasily Meltsov presented the work “Logical inference in the logic of predicates with the definition of previous statements”, which was the result of cooperation of the research laboratory “Intelligent Systems” named after V.A. Baikova of VyatSU (Candidate of Technical Science V.Yu. Meltsov, Doctor of Technical Science D.A. Strabykin) and the Department of Computer Science of the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI” (Doctor of Technical Science N.A. Zhukova).

The article is devoted to the method of parallel deductive logical inference, developed by the authors, based on the operation of “division of clauses”.

At the present stage of computing and information technology development, along with the successful use of fashionable artificial neural networks and various machine learning algorithms, classical theories and methods of logical inference still play an important role. Such mechanisms are indispensable in the design of systems in which not numeric data are processed, but knowledge represented by symbolic information. It is important to note that, in contrast to classical methods, uniliteral residuals (called statements) are stored in the dynamic domain of the knowledge base, since they are essentially new facts of the studied domain. Considering the sequence of changes in the linguistic variables contained in the obtained statements, it is possible to determine all the phases (all changes) that the system undergoes during the transition from one state to another, - Vasiliy Meltsov told.

The proposed method of logical inference, initially focused on logical forecasting of the development of situations, can be used in intelligent systems for various purposes. Examples of such systems can serve as support systems for decision-making, enterprise management system, system software verification, systems medical and technical diagnostics, systems of control of the fight. For example, in the current situation with COVID-19, this approach will not only predict the development of the spread of coronavirus, but also explain what events led to the emergence of a particular situation. In the field of enterprise management, the new method can "show" a chain of optimal step-by-step decisions that need to be taken to achieve the desired position of the company in the market.

Vasily Meltsov said:

Colleagues from the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI” have suggested - to try to apply the developed procedure to determine the presence of a cartel conspiracy of timber harvesting and processing enterprises.

Based on the results of the last conference, the work of V.Yu. Meltsov, D.A. Strabykin, N.A. Zhukova was recognized as the best in the field of “Intelligent systems (hardware and software)”. Vasily Meltsov was awarded a certificate of acceptance as a member of the international soft computing research community “Soft Computing Research Society” with exemption from the payment of an entrance fee. Also, the authors of the article were allocated a grant of 100 € for the purchase of books and other scientific and technical literature published by Springer.

The materials of the CIS-2020 conference will be published in the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series, indexed in the SCOPUS database.


Translated by Anna Dedjuhina

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