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The presentation of the developed educational solutions of the "Teacher from the Future" project was held, and with great success

  • 31 December 2021, 14:56
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1345

The project is implemented by the Interregional Center for Innovative Technologies in Education with the scientific support of VyatSU at the expense of the grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society

Students-teachers of VyatSU, under the guidance of teachers-mentors and accompanied by subject methodologists, take part in the All-Russian educational project "Teacher from the Future".

On December 23, 2021, a design session was held with a presentation of the developed educational solutions, they were assessed by highly qualified experts from the education system. Teams from different regions of the country took part in the design session of the "Teacher from the Future" project. Based on expert assessments, 22 teams ( from VyatSU entered the next stage of the “Teacher from the Future” project.

Participating students demonstrate a high level of training in the leading universities of the country. They represent Vyatka State University, Oryol State University named after I. S. Turgenev, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after V.G. Korolenko, Tyumen State University, Kostroma State University and others.

From January to April 2022, teams will refine the products of project activities into fully ready educational solutions, conduct their approbation in schools and draw up a report on the pilot testing of a new teaching tool. The products developed by the teams with the support of the organizers of the "Teacher from the Future" project will have the opportunity to bring them to the ready educational solutions, packaging and replication on the scale of both individual participating regions and the country as a whole.

The project is being implemented by the Interregional Center for Innovative Technologies in Education with scientific support from VyatSU at the expense of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society.

All relevant information about the project is posted on the website and in the official Vkontakte group

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