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The scientific journal "Theoretical and Applied Ecology", co-founded by VyatSU, entered the second quartile of the Scopus database

  • 21 May 2021, 08:20
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2082

The volume of the journal, published since 2007, has increased from 100 to 250 pages. Four issues are published per year, over 1000 copies of each issue printed.

It became known that the scientific journal "Theoretical and Applied Ecology", one of the founders of which is the Vyatka State University, entered the second quartile of the Scopus bibliographic database. This fact reflects the increased level of citation of articles that are published in the journal, which has existed since 2007.

VyatSU professor Tamara Ashikhmina, editor-in-chief of the journal "Theoretical and Applied Ecology", said:

    - The editorial portfolio today is very large, the magazine attracts the attention of a wide range of authors from all regions of Russia, as well as Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, USA, Canada, Germany and other countries.

    We have strengthened our editorial activity, which today is characterized by strict admission control with a check for plagiarism, and the presence of at least three reviewers.

The magazine, which today has a circulation of 1,150, is still published four times a year, with each issue becoming more voluminous, not 100, as before, but 250 pages. In addition to the print, there is an electronic publication format.

By tradition, Tamara Yakovlevna noted, one of the issues of the magazine is thematic. So, last year, the topic was chosen as the key one related to the implementation of the federal project "Infrastructure for Waste Management of I-II Hazard Classes" of the national project "Ecology".

    - A lot of famous scientists cooperate with us. However, we try to support talented youth, giving them the opportunity to publish articles. We hope that raising the status of the journal will make it possible to attract new authors from Russia and abroad, - summarized T.Ya. Ashikhmina.

#VyatSU #science

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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