Online newspaper

The Undergraduate of VSU successfully participated in Russian video conference

  • 22 April 2016, 19:33
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2381

In April 21 Russian scientific teleconference "the Master of science and education: Actual problems of modern literary education" was held.

It was organized by the Department of methods of teaching literature at Moscow state pedagogical University and the Department of Russian and foreign literature and methods of teaching VSU with the support from the Department of electronic education.

Teachers and students of 4 universities made speeches at Scientific forum. Special interest of participants was caused by Mr. Yulia Svinina, undergraduate of VSU (scientific supervisor D. SC. in pedagogics, Professor Elena Galickih) on the theme "Peculiarities of preparing an electronic text for the organization of independent work of students". Julia presented an interactive lesson using e-learning and distance education technologies.
