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Vyatka State University is represented at the All-Russian Congress on development of physical culture, sports and health

  • 12 December 2018, 09:16
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2872
The reports of VyatSU Faculty of Physical Culture and Sport aroused the interest of the professional community and were noted by letters of thanks

December 5-7. The All-Russian Congress on development of physical culture, sports and health in the educational system of the Russian Federation was held in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation (Moscow). The event was organized by the Federal Center for Organizational and Methodological Support for Physical Education with the participation of the Department of State Policy in the Field of General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the congress was to consolidate the professional and social potential of the pedagogical community of physical education and sports, carrying out activities to implement priority activities in the field of physical education and healthy lifestyle for students in accordance with social needs of society and the strategic objectives of education development in the Russian Federation.

Physical education teachers, teachers of additional education, heads of executive authorities, representatives of sports federations, and some other university staff are among the participants of the congress. Kirov region was represented by Alexander Kapustin, dean of VyatSU Faculty of physical culture and sports and Galina Kovyazina, head of the Department of Adaptive Physical Culture and Teaching Methods. They shared the results of research activities: a report by A.G. Kapustin was devoted to values and real risks when introducing the All-Russian physical culture training program “Ready for Labor and Defense” in the Russian Federation. G.V. Kovyazina told about the features of the organization and peculiarities of conducting physical exercises for primary school children with computer visual syndrome (ophthalmopathy).

The speeches of VyatSU scientists aroused great interest of the congress participants and were distinguished by letters of thanks.

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