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Vyatka State University reveals the secrets of Sherlock

  • 15 July 2022, 16:03
  • Author: admin
  • Views 805

During an interdisciplinary quest held at the Faculty of Computer and Physical and Mathematical Sciences, students showed intelligence and presented knowledge in mathematical, physical and computer sciences

The academic year at the Faculty of Computer and Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems of Vyatka State University ended with the interdisciplinary quest "Secrets of Sherlock". It was organized by teachers and senior students for 1st and 2nd year students of all areas of training in order to create an effective project team.

9 locations awaited the participants, at each of which the students showed their intellect and demonstrated their knowledge in mathematical, physical and computer sciences. Newly minted detectives had to use remarkable abilities to solve the "robbery of the century."

During the summing up by the jury members, the participants of the event witnessed the traditional show of physical experiments for the faculty, after which the results were announced and the winners were awarded. They were the team of the MKb-2301-51-00 group and the team of the FIB-1301-51-00 group - congratulations!

The Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Computer and Physical and Mathematical Sciences expressed their gratitude to the graduates for their assistance in conducting the quest and maintaining faculty traditions.

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