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Vyatka State University starts new academic year on September, 1st

  • 27 August 2018, 10:39
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3053

A festive program and a presentation of a unique project for the first-year students will take place on September, 1st

A few days before the new academic year are left: it traditionally starts on the 1st of September! On this day a large celebratory program is planned, addressed to first-year students first of all.

In the morning all the 1st year students are invited for kick-off meetings in their institutes in accordance with the schedule: Institute of Economics and Management 12.00 - assembly hall, academic building № 1, (Moskovskaya St., 36)

Institute of Chemistry and Ecology

11.30 - lecture hall 534, academic building № 1, (Moskovskaya St., 36) Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences.


Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences

 - Faculty of Linguistics

10.00 - lecture hall 251, academic building № 15, (Lenin St, 198)

 - Faculty of History, Political Science and Culturology

10.00 - lecture hall 338, academic building № 14, (Lenin St, 111)

 - Faculty of Philology and Media Communications

10.00 - lecture hall 334, academic building № 14, (Lenin St, 111)


Pedagogical Institute

- Faculty of Physical Education and Sports

11.00 - lecture hall 217, academic building № 19, (Orlovskaya St, 12)

 - Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

10.00 - lecture hall 343, academic building № 15, (Lenin St, 198)


Polytechnical Institute

 - Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture

11.00 - lecture hall 204, academic building № 6, (Studencheskiy proezd, 9)

 - Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design

11.00 - assembly hall, academic building № 1, (Moskovskaya St., 36)

 - Electrical Engineering Faculty

11.00 - lecture hall 242, academic building № 1, (Moskovskaya St., 36)


Institute of Biology and Biotechnology

11.30 - lecture hall 128, academic building № 1, (Moskovskaya St., 36)



Law Institute


- Specialty "Customs"

10.00 - lecture hall 128, academic building № 4, entrance to academic building № 1, Moskovskaya St., 36)

- Specialty "Legal support of national security"

10.45 - lecture hall 102, academic building № 4, entrance to academic building № 1, Moskovskaya St., 36)

- Specialty "Law-enforcement activity"

lecture hall 102, academic building № 4, entrance to academic building № 1, Moskovskaya St., 36)


- Direction of training "Jurisprudence"

11.30 - lecture hall 205, academic building № 4, entrance to academic building № 1, Moskovskaya St., 36)


Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems

- Faculty of Computer and Physical-Mathematical Sciences

10.00 - assembly hall, academic building № 14, (Lenin St, 111)

- Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering

10.00 – lecturer hall 209, academic building №2, (Moskovskaya st., 39)


In these meetings the 1st year students will be given an opportunity to talk with faculty heads and teachers, ask any questions, and get acquainted with their groupmates. They also will be presented their student IDs with something very useful inside... However, don’t go ahead! The secret will be known very soon!

The students are welcome to participate in the "Parade of Russian Students" at 13.00 (located on a section between Volodarsky and Svoboda streets). Together with representatives of other Kirov universities and colleges, first-year students of VyatSU will join the parade of the Russian youth, passing their own route. Their final destination is to be the Theater Square, where a large-scale celebration will take place with the participation of the region, city and universities heads. They will congratulate the audience with the beginning of the academic year, and after the official ceremony everyone will get a musical gift - a cover band TurboBoys show: the guys play really good music – don’t miss it!

The first of September will be an unforgettable holiday for each freshman. Having entered VyatSU they have made the right choice!

 Follow the schedule of your classes: it will be available on August, 31 on official site of Vyatka State University.

Read in Russian
