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Vyatka State University strengthens international cooperation

  • 8 November 2021, 22:49
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2740

The largest university of the Kirov region was a co-organizer of an international conference on new trends in applied sciences and presented plenary reports on mathematics and ecology

Development of international cooperation, expansion of the range of foreign partner universities is one of the priorities of Vyatka State University.

At the end of October, the largest university of the Kirov region, together with the Veer Narmad South Gujarat University from India, organized a virtual scientific conference "Emerging trends in applied sciences", the key topics of which were sciences about life, chemistry, physics, mathematics and statistics.

Greetings to the participants of the scientific event were addressed on behalf of VyatSU by the Deputy Head of the Department of International Affairs Zhanetta Merkulova, from VNSGU - Dr. Kishorsinh N. Chavda, Vice-Chancellor of the University.

Scientists of VyatSU presented plenary reports to the professional community. So, to take part in the session "Mathematics and Statistics" was invited Professor Evgeny Vechtomov, head of the  Department of Fundamental Mathematics, VyatSU. Evgeny Mikhailovich is an internationally respected scientist, the founder of a well-known scientific school, the head of a large number of studies in functional algebra and the theory of semirings.

At the conference, d "Functional algebra: semirings of continuous binary relations" a report was presented by Associate Professor Vera Varankina.

Vera Ivanovna said:

   - Since in the scientific algebraic school "Functional algebra and the theory of semirings", created and headed by Evgeny Mikhailovich Vechtomov, I have long been tacitly the main English-speaking translator, I was destined to become a speaker. The report was devoted to new results in the field of functional algebra. According to the prepared presentation, my speech in English took about 50 minutes.

Ecologists of VyatSU made speeches at the session "Life Sciences": Ekaterina Ryabova, Head of the Department of Ecology and Nature Management; and Sergei Pestov, Associate Professor of the Department. They presented an extensive report “Approaches in environmental research on the example of the Kirov region”.

    - Our presentation was really voluminous, as we presented the work experience and the results of scientific research of the entire team of the department. The report consisted of three main parts: they reflected the problems of bioindication, biotesting, biological diversity. In addition, in the introduction, we gave detailed information about the Kirov region, so that foreign colleagues have an idea of ​​the peculiarities of our region, - commented Ekaterina Vladimirovna. She also said that students from the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology have joined the conference - and this is very important: after all, the experience of attracting young people to significant scientific events cannot be overestimated.

The speeches of the VyatSU scientists were received with interest, as evidenced by the questions and positive responses.

    - Speaking at international conferences is always a great chance to compare the results and level of research with how colleagues from all over the world work in their respective fields of expertise. Participation in the organization of the conference and speeches by mathematicians and ecologists of VyatSU allowed to increase the level of interaction with partners from India and laying the potential for joint research, - noted, summing up the results of participation in the event, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of VyatSU Sergei Fomin.

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