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Vyatka State University students are among the finalists of the Russian National Award "Student of the Year - 2022"

  • 10 November 2022, 21:05
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1715

On November 10, the names of the students who made it to the finals of the Russian National Award "Student of the Year - 2022" became known

Out of 15,000 students of universities and colleges of the Russian Federation, the jury selected 1,000 finalists, whose names were announced during the online broadcast of the Russian Youth Union. Among them are two students of the Vyatka State University. Alisa Khaustova was among the winners in the individual nomination "Chairman of the Council of Students of the Year", and Diana Dunina - in the nomination "Public Activist of the Year".

In the collective nomination "Student Scientific Society of the Year" for the second time, the SSS Vyatka State University won: this is the team of Elizaveta Kosnyreva, Lyudmila Khokhryakova and Daria Oparina.

The final of the “Student of the Year – 2022” award will be held from December 11 to 17 as part of the key event of this year for Russian students – the All-Russian Forum “Your Move – 2022”.

 The award is implemented by the Russian Youth Union with the support of the presidential platform of the ANO "Russia-Land of Opportunities" to support talented students with outstanding achievements in science, creativity, sports, journalism, youth policy, student leadership, social activities and volunteering.

We wish our finalists good luck and have a good time!

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