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Vyatka State University teaches production and consumption waste management

  • 23 December 2022, 12:39
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1841
A new advanced training program was developed at the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology, which implements the strategic project "Habitat"

At the Department of Industrial and Applied Ecology of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology of Vyatka State University, the advanced training program "Management of production and consumption waste" has been developed and successfully tested.

    "The need for such training for those who work with waste of I-IV hazard classes is legally enshrined in the Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste"," - said the head of the Department of Industrial and Applied Ecology Tatyana Musikhina.

When implementing the program, a differentiated approach is provided for at the request of the students, i.e. additional, more detailed, discussion of the issues of interest to them. For example, the development of a roadmap for the creation of a waste disposal enterprise, general issues of managing the flow of certain types of waste, and so on.

In the first group, entrepreneurs working in the field of waste management, as well as fourth-year undergraduate students, were trained.

Students who successfully pass the test still receive certificates, and after the defense of the WRC they will be issued a certificate of advanced training.

Note that the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology is the main platform for the implementation of the Habitat strategic project of the Priority 2030 program. The new advanced training program is fully consistent with the goals and objectives of the strategic project.

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