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VyatSU - a reliable partner of the region in teacher education

  • 18 August 2021, 17:10
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1252

 The Ministry of Education of the region, the Institute for the Development of Education of the Kirov Region, the Kirov Regional Territorial Organization of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation, the Association of Young Teachers of the Region, the Kirov Regional Public Organization of the participants of the competition "Teacher of the Year" of the Kirov Region - all of them are among the permanent partners of the university, becoming active co-organizers and participants of various educational events

Regional tournament of pedagogical cases "PROsolution", methodical living rooms, pedagogical marathon "For a five!", numerous exhibitions, festivals, conferences - each time it was not just an event, but a real holiday of pedagogical innovation and productive interaction! Cooperation documents have been signed with many educational organizations in the region. Among the most recent examples is the conclusion of an agreement with Lyceum No. 21 , the Alexander Grin gymnasium, gymnasium No. 46 , a secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects "Railway Educational Center", as well as a tripartite agreement between VyatSU, the Center for Improvement qualification and resource support of the municipal education system of the city of Kirov and the Kirov city territorial organization of the Trade Union of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation.

Vyatka State University is a platform for the exchange of advanced pedagogical experience. For almost half a century, the tradition of holding annual scientific and practical conferences for teachers of biology, geography, chemistry, ecology has been living - now it continues at the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology of VyatSU, invariably gathering a large audience of teachers from different districts of the Kirov region. At the Faculty of Philology and Media Communications, a career guidance project "Educational Meetings with Professional Teachers" has been successfully implemented recently: the best language teachers from Kirov schools have become guests of the students.

It is important to note that all significant federal programs and competitions organized by the Ministry of Science and Education and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation are held with the active and very successful participation of VyatSU. In the strategic projects of the Priority 2030 program, submitted by the university for a federal competition in early August this year, teacher education has a special role to play.

The preservation and continuation of traditions, the introduction of innovations, a lively and direct response to the needs of the region and the country, the replication of unique experience - all this is the best evidence: pedagogical education at VyatSU is treated with special attention, it will always be among the unquestionable strategic development priorities university.

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