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VyatSU awards the medalists in 2018

  • 20 July 2018, 09:31
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2463

The best school-graduates are welcomed to all universities, but a lot of them have already chosen Vyatka State University.

Kirov Regional Drama Theater honors graduates-medalists of Kirov regional schools.

Before the beginning of the event the theater lobby becomes the busiest place, where Kirov universities, colleges and enterprises present their organizations.  One of the largest expositions is prepared by Vyatka State University, so the participants come up here with their questions and get information from the consultants of Career Guidance Department.
And there is a full house in the assembly hall! School graduates are beautifully combed girls in elegant dresses and handsome young men in suits; all are full of the importance of the moment. The medal winners-2018 will be honored by heads of local government, universities and enterprises of Kirov and Kirov region.
Dmitry Kurdyumov, acting Chairman of the Government of Kirov region, Elena Kovaleva, head of Kirov city, Olga Ryseva, Minister of Education of Kirov region, Alexander Ivanov, director general of JSC AVITEK addressed the best youth, the “region's gold fund”.
The hall warmly greeted the rector of Vyatka State University Valentin Pugach, who reminded that currently the whole range of modern specialties is available for applicants. The second good news is that today the percentage of employment for regional graduates is higher than that of the capital.
“I can’t avoid this official statistics due to my position. But addressing you informally, I consider it necessary to emphasize: you are the best, and therefore, should take advantage of your excellence. At the same time I am sure that the choice of Kirov university will be the right decision of you! - Valentin Pugach shares his thoughts.
Many graduates seem to understand this perfectly. Perhaps they know about the leading positions of VyatSU in top ratings; or maybe they are just still impressed by the University Open Days and some other events addressed to high school pupils. In any case now the interest to Vyatka State University is great: for example, the ceremony host Cyril informed the hall about his intention to enter VyatSU Faculty of Computer and Physical-mathematical Sciences.

And how touching and heartfelt the words of Maria Sandalova, graduate of the Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium are!
“We all are sure that we have been created for the great future; but the greatness is not always far away. Kirov can be considered a city of opportunities as well, - Maria is sure. She has chosen VyatSU Faculty of Philology and Media Communications.
It seems that the tendency to make a choice in favor of a regional university has recently been strengthening: this is proved by informal conversations during a break. Thus, the director of Orichi State School, Tatiana Volodina, notes that not only 6 medalists, but many other their graduates are inclined to enter VyatSU. That is very good for a region as it needs not just young specialists, but highly qualified, talented, and creative ones, like the participants of today's event. They all are medalists of the federal level, possessors of 100 points in USE, prize-winners of the All-Russian School Olympiads. So they are awarded with medals "Gold fund of Kirov region" in a solemn atmosphere to loud applause.

Graduates of 2018! The future of Kirov region is in your hands! Remember this and choose a proven regional university for admission - you are sure not to regret it!