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VyatSU became a participant of the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2021

  • 21 July 2021, 16:57
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1504

  The Engineering Center of Vyatka State University presented its developments at the exhibition of one of the world's largest aviation forums

MAKS-2021 launched this week in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, at the complex at the airfield of the Flight Research Institute named after M. M. Gromov.

For the exhibition, the VyatSU Engineering Center developed samples of electric drives for the controls of unmanned aerial vehicles and the avionics of the cabins of commercial aircraft.


Solutions in the field of aircraft simulator loading systems were presented separately.

It is especially worth noting the linear servo drives for loading the lateral and longitudinal aircraft control channels, which were developed by the team of the VyatSU Engineering Center in accordance with the import substitution program.

In addition, VyatSU employees presented at the exhibition the developments in the field of test stands for electric drives, which are priority number 1 in the certification and testing of drives used in military aircraft models.


Within the framework of the exposition, the team of the VyatSU Engineering Center plans to draw maximum attention to their developments from such large companies as Kronshtadt, TsNTU Dinamika, NPF SKT, ZOLA, Rostec and Russian Helicopters.


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